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Hemp Bread III

Hemp Oatmeal Bread III


8 oz. water
2.5 oz. milk
1 oz. (1/4 stick) unsalted butter
1 oz. hemp oil
2 oz. maple syrup
2 tsp. salt
1 Tbsp. barley malt syrup (unhopped)
10 oz. bread flour
3 oz. whole wheat flour
4 oz. thick rolled oats
2 oz. steel cut oats
3 oz. shelled hemp seed
1 Tbsp. yeast


     Weigh all ingredients in bread machine work bowl in order above. Start bread machine. Scrape down the work bowl a few times during the initial mixing to get the ingredients off the sides and incorporated in the dough ball. You may need to sprinkle in a little extra bread flour if the dough is too wet or add a little water if it is too dry.

     Notes: For the Breadman Ultimate bread machine I prefer the white, 2 lb., medium setting. I like to use bread flour and whole wheat flour from King Arthur Flour. I use Fleischmann's Instant Yeast (or Fleischmann's Bread Machine Yeast) because it can be mixed with dry ingredients. For consistent results I use a scale which is why the ingredients list is only in weight.

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