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Buttermilk Waffles


2 cups all-purpose flour (9 oz)
1/3 cup shelled hemp seed (1 1/2 oz)
1 tsp. salt
2 tsp. baking soda
7 Tbsp. SACO Buttermilk Blend (2 1/2 oz)

1 1/2 cups water
1 tsp. vanilla extract
4 Tbsp. unsalted butter, melted
2 eggs, large, separated


     Preheat waffle iron. Whisk dry ingredients together in a medium bowl. Whisk in the water and the vanilla extract to make a batter. Melt the butter. Separate the eggs. Add the egg yolks to the melted butter and mix together with a fork. Whisk egg yolk/butter mixture into the batter. Beat egg whites until they just hold a 2" peak. Gently fold egg whites into batter with a rubber spatula.

     Spread appropriate amount of batter onto waffle iron. Following manufacturer's instructions, cook waffle until golden brown, 2 to 5 minutes. Serve immediately. (You can keep waffles warm on a wire rack in a 200 degree oven for up to 5 minutes.)

     Notes: SACO Buttermilk Blend is a dried buttermilk powder. For more information please see the SACO Foods web site. You can use 1 3/4 cup buttermilk instead, just omit the SACO and water.

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