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Hemp Smoothie

Berry Hemp Smoothie & Smoothie Pops


1/3 cup shelled hemp seed
15 oz. can mandarin oranges, chilled
20 oz can pineapple chunks, chilled
1/2 cup frozen blueberries
1 banana
frozen mixed fruit


     Put the shelled hemp seed and the mandarin oranges in the blender and blend on high (with the lid on, of course) until smooth and hemp seed is in very small pieces. Drain the pineapple chunks, reserve the liquid, and put the pineapple chunks, frozen blueberries, and banana in the blender and blend on high. Take the little cup off of the blender lid and with the blender running add the frozen mixed fruit until the texture suits you. You can use the reserved pineapple juice to thin the smoothie if necessary.

     Notes: The frozen mixed fruit I get has peaches, strawberries, grapes, and honeydew melon in it. If you like your smoothie sweeter you can add a couple of tablespoons of maple syrup. Serves four. This recipe also makes excellent home made smoothie pops, just pour the smoothie in molds and freeze. Kids love them!

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