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HIA 2003 Hemp Calendar

2003 HIA Calendar

Available Now! Ready for the Holidays!

The HIA 2003 Hemp Calendar includes more relevant Hemp Dates for the new year, lots of information and a variety of Hemp Photos...all printed on Hemp & recycled paper from Living Tree Paper Company. Specially featured are the Hemp Houses on Pine Ridge Reservation.

Buy one for yourself or a dozen for gifts or more for your store or business.
Support the Hemp Industries Association...support renewable and sustainable resources.
Donations go to the HIA to help educate and expand the hemp market.

Prices are based on retail, wholesale and distributor categories.

1-5    Retail     $9.95 us /each ($15 cdn)
6+    Wholesale     $6.95 us /each ($10 cdn)
48+    Distributor     $4.95 us /each ($7.50 cdn)

ADD Shipping and handling charges for USA.
1 - 5 $5 First Class USPS/ Priority

6-24     $5     USPS Bound Printed Matter (7-10 days)
6-24    $15     USPS Priority

24-48     $10     USPS BPM (7-10 days)
24-48     $15     Fed Ex Ground (5 Biz Days)
24-48     $25     USPS Priority

48+     Call for rate

Contact Larry Duprey: larryduprey@yahoo.com or 416-245-8613.

Send U.S. (only) check or money order to:
HIA Office
PO Box 1080
Occidental, CA 95465

VISA and MASTERCARD accepted. (International)
Contact the HIA Office: 707-874-3648 or info@thehia.org

Or use http://PayPal.com - Pay to: info@thehia.org

If you know of a local store you think might be interested in offering the 2003 Hemp Calendar, please notify Steve Levine: steve@santabarbarahemp.com or 805-969-4300.
In Canada, contact Larry Duprey: larryduprey@yahoo.com or 416-245-8613.

The Calendar Committee
Candi Penn, Steve Levine, Larry Duprey

Amazon Honor System Click Here to Pay Learn More


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